What is Music

Franceys post on SoMinty

Although, music is more indicative of “what type of person” a person is than any other thing (taste in movies, food, etc…)

The “hating” if you will, is just a perpetuation of bias against various stereotypes.

What is the stereotype of someone who listens to country music? redneck

What is the stereotype of someone who listens to rap? black man

What is the stereotype of someone who listens to indie rock? Hipster

What is the stereotype of someone who listens to “pop” ? Well, popular people.

Who hates pop? People who listen to indie rock. Who hates popular people? Hipsters. Hipsters hate popular music, not because of the music itself, but because of the people who listen to it. Why else do you think people accuse bands of “selling out” when they become popular? Because all of a sudden, the music is being listened to by people the original audience would rather not associate with.

And you see how everything aligns.